New Year’s Day Giveaway!

Guess what? The year’s almost over! To celebrate the start of 2009, we have an iPhone app give away planned. Check back at midnight (Pacific Time) to see the giveaway. May we suggest that you follow teencast on twitter? It might help you win!

Rules for Winning iPhone Apps

We occasionally give out promo codes on our Twitter feed.  These promo codes will let you download an iPhone application from iTunes!  I know you’re excited to get free iPhone apps, so here are the instructions:

  1. Go to the Teencast twitter feed.
  2. Enter the code into iTunes Click here to try the code ( or click redeem under Quick Links in iTunes)
  3. Remember that we only have one code, so the first person the enter it into iTunes wins it.
  4. Don’t Cheat (I’m not sure how you would… just don’t)