MotionX GPS Review

Developer:  Fullpower Technologies, Inc.
Price: $2.99
Version reviewed: 2.0

iPhone Integration Rating: 5
User Interface Rating: 3.5
Re-use/Replay Value Rating: 5
Overall Rating: 4.5 

I’ve been hearing about GPS devices and how they work with Google Earth and how fun they are for geocaching or even tracking a bike ride. When I got my iPhone 3G, one of the first apps that I looked for was a good GPS application, but I didn’t find one.
This application emulates a physical GPS unit by using the A-GPS reciever that’s built in to the iPhone 3G. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to test MotionX GPS on the original iPhone or an iPod Touch (Fullpower’s website says that it only works on the iPhone 3G). It’s main features are the ability to give you your location (latitude and longitude) as well as guide you to a location that you specify. It’s also great as a general trip tracker.

The interface is initially confusing, but it gets easier to understand as you use it. I still get lost sometimes, but it’s usually easy to find where the functions you want are. For my test, I tracked a trip in a car. I noticed that the GPS doesn’t get an accurate signal if it doesn’t have a line of sight to the sky, although it’s a hardware issue, not a software one. The application located me accurately within a yard or two. The ‘compass’ in the application requires that you are moving so that it can calculate your direction. If you’re geocaching or using the GPS while walking slowly, you might be frustrated by the inability to see which direction you’re going all the time. Despite the iPhone’s limitations that hindered the accuracy, I really liked the application and I highly suggest it to those who want to track their physical activity (running, biking, etc.), geocachers, and other people who want a GPS with them at all times.

MotionX GPS is an awesome application for those who like GPS units, but don’t want to carry a full size one. At only $2.99 (versus $300 for buying a separate GPS), it’s great for anyone who has travels/hikes a lot. If you try geocaching, definitely get this inexpensive app to help you with your locating.