MacWorld: Axiotron’s Booth

Hi!  I know that MacWorld is long gone, but here are posts that were created at MacWorld, but sadly not published due to omitted information.

Here is a picture of Axiotron’s booth:

Axiotrons booth

Axiotron's booth



This company is the first to create a commercially available tablet Mac!  Of course, this is a 3rd party modification to the plastic MacBook. They take the MacBook, remove the screen and turn it into a slate styled tablet.  The Axiotron ModBook even has a built-in-GPS!  The Modbook costs $2,250, and you can see all of it’s features etc. here:
But the big announcement was the ModBook Pro which features a 15 inch touch screen, but it costs $5,000-$6,000!

Axiotrons Modbook (Macbook+touch screen=Modbook)

Axiotron's Modbook (Macbook+touch screen=Modbook)

MacWorld: Cultured Code Booth

Hi!  Any post with the title containing “MacWorld:” means that the post was created at the MacWorld Expo in the Moscone Center, San Francisco.

Just a few days back, I reviewed “Things” a revolutionary task manager for the iPhone and Mac.  The copy I was using for the Mac was a release candidate (not a final copy).  Cultured Code (The company who makes “Things”) has finally released their gold master (final copy) of Things today here at MacWorld!  Anyway, here is a picture of some sketches of Things for the iPhone:

Sketches of Things

Sketches of "Things"